
Dra. Sandra Lossau

Specialist in general medicine and emergency medicine

Born in Münster and raised in Munich

Matura 1993 in Munich

1993-1995 Studied Political Science and Sociology at the Philipps University in Marburg an der Lahn
1995 to 2002 Studied human medicine at the Free University and the medical faculty of the Charité, Humboldt University in Berlin
2002 to 2003 Internship in the Department of Surgery at the Parkklinik Weißensee, Berlin
2003-2004 Research work in the field of islet cell transplantation at the University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA, USA
2004 Doctorate on the subject of immune privilege of the brain at the Medical Faculty of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
2006 to 2008 Resident in general medicine in the Alt-Buckow group practice.
2008 to 2010 Resident in Internal Medicine in the Clinic for Gastroenterology, Haematology and Oncology at the DRK Clinics Berlin-Köpenick.
Since October 2010 Specialist in general medicine in the field of internal and general medicine
Until March 2023 in the private clinic in Alt-Buckow , Berlin, Germany

Specialist certificate in emergency medicine

Member of the German Society for General Medicine and Family Medicine (DEGAM)

Languages: German, English Spanish


+34 971 68 5333 / Paguera

+34 871 57 0606 / Eye Clinic

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Important notices

DFZ Mallorca - Acute Medical Treatment and Health Care

Emergency Clinic every Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm!

Clinic Paguera:
Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tue, 8:00 am - 7:00 pm!

Clinic Palmanova:
Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Telephone availability starting every day at 8:00 AM.  

You can book doctor's appointments online at this LINK.